
Celestial Shamanism Journey

— with Sacred Keys —

Prophet & Prophetess, Witch & Wizard, Priestess & Priest.

Magi & Mystic, Medicine Person, Holy One, Guardian.

Oracle, Sage, & Seer… Shaman.

It is time to remember that which has been forgotten, lost, hidden, & stored away.

It is time to reclaim

—- Your Sacred Key —-

Sacred Keys unlock…

  • Access Points to Other Dimensions

    (Passageways, Portals, Stargates)

  • Sacred Gifts & Technologies

  • Sacred Soul Aspects

  • Sacred Knowledge & Wisdom

  • Celestial Temples

  • Divine Soul Purpose

  • & More

Hand-Drawn in Gold Ink on White Paper

Each Sacred Key Includes a Unique Activation Process & Message


—- Your Sacred Powers —-

Sacred Powers, such as…

  • Soul to Soul Communication

    (Light Language)

  • Celestial Travel

  • Opening & Closing Portals

  • Removing & Crossing Over Entities

  • Light Body & Planetary Activation

  • Soul Retrieval & Akashic Records Rescripting

  • & More

 Now presenting the…


Celestial Shamanism Journey

with Sacred Keys


Delivered by Angelica Solii 

 What is the Celestial Shamanism Journey with Sacred Keys?

The Sacred Journey is a 5-Week Group Activation & Introduction to Celestial Shamanism

personalized for those who have come forward to reclaim their Sacred Keys

& take this journey at this time.

 Your Journey Includes

  • 5 Live Group Calls with Seminar, Q & A and Light Language Ceremony. Plan on 3 hours every Sunday afternoon from 1-4pm CST + personal integration time following each call.

  • Course Materials delivered weekly on Thinkific.

  • A Celestial Shamanism Guidebook Template (downloadable PDF) for recording notes

  • 3 Light Language Transmissions to help you reclaim your power

  • 1 Sacred Key with special activation process and message

  • 1 Soul Activation Session to facilitate higher self embodiment & ease ascension symptoms

  • Bonus Content by Special Guests to help you dive deeper

Signs You’re Ready

  • You were recently guided to purchase a drum or other sound healing tools

  • You’re speaking light language, drawing light codes or would like to start

  • You’re connecting with interdimensional &/or star beings or have a strong desire to do so

  • You have an increased interest in the healing arts &/or are already practicing reiki, shamanic healing, or similar modalities

  • You know you have super-powers that have yet to be unlocked or fully harnessed

  • You’re remembering past lives / other soul aspects or feel drawn to

  • You have a strong sense that you have something important to do here on this planet

When I am silent, I fall into the place where everything is music.
— Rumi

 You Will Learn to…

  • Work with Your Sacred Key/(s)

  • Use Light Language to

    • Communicate with Your Celestial Guides

    • Activate DNA & Anchor Light Codes

    • Manage Your Energy

    • Remove & Cross Over Entities

    • Clear Blocks & Negative Programming

    • Retrieve Soul Fragments & Rescript Akashic Records

    • Activate the Light Body 

    • Integrate the Multidimensional Soul & Embody the Higher Self

  • Practice Celestial Shamanism in Integrity

“By tapping into our etheric technologies, we can better navigate, and that is what [this Journey] will do for you! I feel amazing! I feel capable! Angelica helped activate dormant parts of [myself] and integrate more of my higher conscious into me in ways I never thought possible! My purpose has grown and I am ready to come into my power more than ever before!”

Torrell, New York

Hi, I’m Angelica.

I never would have guessed my Divine purpose had my light language not activated.

After that, everything changed.

As I integrated higher frequencies of sound and light into my body, I opened more fully into all that I am.

And after 12 years teaching high school students— knowing there was something more— I discovered my purpose as a Cosmic Teacher.

Check out My Story and Bio to learn more.


I am here to assist you in becoming the highest embodiment of All that you truly Are.

Your Consent to Activate

You can expect to experience life changes and changes in thinking and feeling as you clear density, shift out of old patterns and experience the ongoing process of merging with the higher self. Before taking this step, I ask you to consciously make the choice to upgrade your consciousness and human avatar in service to the highest good of All.

If you have questions or would like to know more about the integration process and the Journey, book a Discovery Call.

Like the ancients who knew the way to spiritual illumination, you will arise, walk into the dawn and back into life with a sense of higher purpose, greater moral integrity, and reduced fear.
— Freddy Silva, The Art of Living Resurrection


Will I Be Able to Speak Light Language?

Light language is a living energetic transmission activated by your Higher Self. Light language is “caught,” meaning that it cannot be formally learned or fully integrated by reading a book or practicing alone. Interacting and practicing with others activates and integrates your light language. The language is from Source, and we all have the ability to speak it. Light language activation is likely but not guaranteed. The activation of the language of light happens in divine timing. All participants benefit from the energetic healing offered, regardless of whether or not they express light language.

Will I Need Supplies?

No supplies are necessary. However, a shamanic drum is recommended. We will use drums, rattles, and any noisemakers you have during the ceremonial portion of our calls. You may also wish to purchase the book Celestial Shamanism™:Using Interstellar Light Codes to Find Your Authentic Path in a Shifting Human Paradigm by Yvonne Perry .

How Long do I Have Access to the Material?

The materials are available for one year.

What if I Can’t Attend the Live Call? Are they Recorded?

Live call attendance is mandatory. The Q&A portion will be recorded and made available. However, the ceremonial portion will not be recorded.

Is There a Cancellation Policy?

Your commitment to this Journey is a sacred contract, & enrolling initiates a process that requires support. For this reason, there are no refunds. 

 “I experienced visceral activations of my own light body from the very first call. And now […] I feel myself operating from a totally different space of expanded awareness.”

- Kate, United Kingdom

Are you ready to take the Journey?