Sacred Keys
What Are Sacred Keys?
Sacred Keys unlock Access Points to Other Dimensions (Passageways, Portals, Stargates), Sacred Gifts & Technologies, Sacred Knowledge & Wisdom, Celestial Temples, Divine Soul Purpose, & More.
Sacred Keys are a hand-drawn image in gold ink on white paper.
Each Sacred Key is unique. Most Keys are not posted publicly.
Signs You Are Ready to Claim Your Key/s
You feel you are on the verge of a shift in consciousness and abilities... Or you have a new project underway and you feel there is a Key that is a necessary part of the process… Or you know there is something more— something important— that you are meant to access and integrate at this time.
Who Holds All of My Keys?
During your consult, you will be guided to determine if I hold any of your Keys. Some Keys are held by other Keepers, and some are held within you and did not require a Keeper.
You are the only one who can activate, unlock and use your Key/s.
Key Pricing
The fee for the consult is $33.33. They Key consult fee is separate from the price of the actual Key. Each key has a coded price. For example, $111, $221.22, $77.17 or other numerical combination.
Key Consult
Discover how many Keys I may hold for you and how many you are ready to receive now. During the consult, we will both go into meditative, sacred space where we interact via text messaging. This allows you to go inward to consult your inner guidance throughout the process and take as much time as you may need. The messages also provide a record of the consult. Allow approximately 50 minutes.
In divine alignment and integrity with Divine Source Creator and The Guardians That Protect the Keys, I would like to give credit and honor to Michelle Leanne Smith, the Gatekeeper Of The Keys, as the original creation point in which the Sacred keys began returning to the collective in the way in which they are now being delivered and returned to their keepers. If you have been called to keys, know that few amongst many attained the vibrational frequency and tenacity to be able to pave the pathway that is now accessible to each of you reclaiming the keys. Without her, as without you, humanity would not be ready to receive these ancient energies once more. This has been a collective effort and one not just attained by Michelle. You are each a part of the whole that has contributed to the fulfillment to reactivate the keys within the collective consciousness. It has been through Michelle and her path as a wayshower and Gatekeeper that I have also been able to activate this phase of my own soul journey as a Keeper of Keys and am now also able to return these sacred keys to you.
If you would like to learn more of their origination and/or frequently asked questions about the keys, you can find Michelle on Instagram at @divinegracecreatives.
Below is quoted from The Original Message Michelle bought through about the keys:
"Why would a Key keeper hold any of my keys?
During times where eras were ending or one was nearing the end of their life, if any expression of themselves was in divine service, and their mastered expressions that were required to hold sacred knowledge and wisdom safe, were threatened by forces that wished to misuse the power of this gift.
The energy was transformed into key, till such time the earth and inhabitants and the universe was ready for this gift to come to light again. That time is now.
Your higher selves requested your journey or an expression of you be locked away and then unlocked at a time when you would be ready once again or it was needed once again, your soul expression that held the secret and hidden wisdom of your soul, sacred gifts, sacred wisdom knowledge, etc. was then, in which you had transformed into keys and locked away in a sacred safe space within the multiverse.
Many also who had misused their power or had become afraid also took this action, till they were ready once again to learn to master their gifts and abilities in this realm and at a time it was needed.
There are so many reasons, purposes and alike as to why, that I can't possibly share them all."