Reclaiming Your Power
During sessions with clients, we often bring in light frequencies that assist in reclaiming one’s power. Shamanic soul retrieval restores loss of power due to trauma in this lifetime and others. We may also use light language to reclaim soul gifts that have been lost or kept in safekeeping.
Reclaiming our power is also a practice that can be done on a daily basis by consciously choosing how we spend our energy.
The process of reclaiming our power can feel exhilarating, empowering (of course), and exciting, but it can also be really uncomfortable.
What can we expect as we go through this process? How can we move through it with more grace and ease?
Ways we give away our power
Loss of power occurs in many ways, and it is not always due to trauma or the loss or locking away of soul gifts.
We can also lose power in our daily lives if we are not mindful.
We may lose power by giving it away to something or someone that does not serve us. If we are not conscious, we unknowingly give away our power to many things: people, jobs, addictions, codependency, power structures, and even social media.
Staying in a job or relationship that no longer resonates, procrastinating on starting a new creative project, not sticking up for ourselves or sharing what we really think and feel, or repeating old, draining habits are all signs that we are not standing fully in our power.
Our belief systems may also hold us back. Just one limiting belief can actually hold back a lot of our power, like an obstruction in a river that wants to flow. Shifting our perception slightly-- removing that barrier-- can give way to a whole new assortment of possibilities.
We may also give away our power by shutting down our innate talents or gifts for spiritual healing or by choosing not to share these gifts.
When Lemuria and Atlantis fell, many of us lost our spiritual gifts and abilities. We may have been irresponsible with them and thus chose to lock them away until the time would come when we were ready to master them once again. That time is now.
With more of us accessing light language, more lost power is being restored as we remember how to use consciousness technologies, communicate multidimensionally, and heal more efficiently.
We are being called to master our power in such a way that we are able to be in service to the highest good.
What’s the problem with not standing in your power?
When we choose not to stand in our power, we end up investing in systems of oppression, doing the opposite of what most of us would probably say our hearts desire most. We also run the risk of not being our authentic selves, which feels terrible! It can be soul crushing and life crushing. Standing in our power is an affirmation of life.
How it may feel to reclaim your power
Reclaiming our power is an ongoing practice. It is not something that is done once in the span of a light language transmission by receiving a Light Code, Sacred Key, or booking a Light Language Session.
While light language assists in calling our power back, we have to garner the tools to integrate that power.
If you have taken any of my courses or had a Light Language Session with me, you may be experiencing some of what is discussed below.
Feelings of overwhelm
If you’re sensitive to energy, you may get a sense of just how much power it is that you are reclaiming, and that power is, well, powerful! Because you are not used to holding that much power (or such a high frequency), it may seem like too much power is literally coming down upon you or moving into your field. You may be thinking, “What do I do with this power? How do I direct it?”
You may sense into all the things you could do with this power, and tons of creative ideas may start flying in. You may see into the multiple timeline possibilities that are opening up for you as a result of reclaiming this power. All of this can feel overstimulating to a mind that has been trained by society to operate in a more rote, linear way.
Retrieval of power can also be a part of the walk-in or soul merge process wherein you may feel yourself as another soul aspect or even as the Godhead. This can also be overwhelming. The energy is strong and it may be something you have never felt before.
I have felt myself as the goddess, and let me tell you, my first reaction was, “Woah! Wait a minute! That feels too powerful! I’m just gonna shut this down right now.”
You may even reject the power by postponing a session or upgrade.
You may pretend it isn’t happening or like the cowardly lion in The Wizard of Oz who is on his way to reclaim his medal of courage, you may find yourself wanting to curl your tail between your legs and turn back.
You may reject it after having a session by brushing it off like it is not real or simply choosing not to act on or integrate what you received… at least for some time.
Not fully knowing what it means
We may also reject the power when we do not fully understand it. This is natural as we are remembering how to operate multidimensionally. There will be a lot of things that don’t make sense at first but are confirmed later through experience.
Fear of Your Own Power
You may feel like you don’t know how to wield your own power, and so your power may feel scary to you.
You may think, “What if I screw something up? What if I fail? What if I waste my power or misuse it?” Some of this hesitation may actually stem from past lives.
Difficulty making decisions
Recalibration of the body-mind-spirit is a natural part of the process of adjusting to holding more power. During recalibration, everything is in a state of flux, which can make it feel difficult to make life choices-- or in some cases, even choosing what to eat for dinner. The system needs to “power down” for a while and think less during this recalibration phase.
Fear of responsibility
When the ego senses that power is being integrated, it may start freaking out. We may think, “What do I have to change in my life now that I have this power? What do I have to do differently?” We may feel like there is some great responsibility that we have to undertake and it can feel like too much.
Ego freaking out
As we sense our power, our ego may get a hold of this idea and run wild with it. If we are not thoroughly self-reflecting, we may develop feelings of superiority and inflation of the ego. We may also think we have to be a certain way in order to be spiritual or in order to hold this power.
“Do I have to be a perfect god/goddess?”
The thoughtform above is a perfect example. We may feel pressure to conform to a stereotypical image of an enlightened being that we’ve seen projected across social media or that we read about in a book.
The more we surrender to Spirit and fully harness our power, the more the ego may freak out as it no longer has the things to grasp onto that it did before.
Feeling awkward or exposed
When we are in our power, we no longer have a need to mask who we are. From this new space, we may ask, “How do I hold myself now that I no longer have a mask to hide behind?”
As we reclaim our power, there is no more blind yielding to others’ expectations. We may feel weird, not knowing how to “be” as new patterns have not yet developed. Old habits may remain, but it may be exceedingly obvious that those habits are no longer in alignment. All of this can lead to feeling awkward about yourself and with others.
Also, if we have been previously disconnected from ourselves and spirit before reclaiming our power, reconnection can feel uncomfortable and even a little painful simply because it is unfamiliar.
Difficulty relating
Along with this awkwardness, we may find ourselves not relating to people in the same way or not connecting with the same people. We may find a new social circle of people who are also holding a higher frequency and thus more power themselves.
As you receive and integrate this power, you may experience feelings of sadness and grief over various losses. You could be grieving the fact that you gave the power away in the first place--- perhaps you are sad for the part of you who lived without the power for so long. You may also be grieving the loss of your old life-- the life and self that did not carry as much power. Grief may also arise over the suffering you may have experienced earlier in life and in other lifetimes. Memories may crop up of when you had sacred gifts and abilities--- you may simultaneously grieve the loss of those abilities while crying tears of joy over receiving them back into your life now.
Letting go of what no longer resonates
As your frequency adjusts and you hold more power, many things that previously fit into your life may no longer fit. Clothes, relationships, and old ways of being will either drop out of your life of their own volition without you asking or trying, or there will be a more obvious choice to let them go.
I mention clothes because reclamation of power can include shifts in how we represent ourselves and even changes in our body shape as a result of the shift in frequency and consciousness.
More grief
We may also need to express grief over letting go of these old ways of being and some of the people who are no longer playing as much of a role in our lives.
Spiritual tests
As we let go of who we used to be and step into our power, old people and situations may come crawling back out of the woodwork to test you and your newfound power and resolve. Are you sure you’re ready to own this power? Let’s see. People may not like that you took your power back. They may have been getting energy from your disempowerment or they may be jealous of your power.
Again, this is all a part of the process. We can move through all of these uncomfortable situations by centering in the heart and remembering that we are all powerful creator beings who simply forget this at times!
You are forever changed
As we become more conscious and move through life with more power, things are never the same. We can’t unknow what we now know. We can’t unsee what has been brought to light. Nor should we. We are the better for it-- better able to give, to receive, and to live more prosperously.
New dreams and aspirations
If you accept your power and treat it with reverence, you will no longer be driven by ego but by spirit. This gives way to dreams and aspirations that are more in line with your true self where you are able to use your power in service.
More you than ever before
You may wonder how you ever lived the way you did prior to reclaiming your power. The new you is really just who you have always been deep down, who you are on a deep soul level, and it feels amazing!
Deep peace
As you reconnect with yourself, you may also find yourself creating and sustaining deeper connections with all your relations-- people, spirit guides, and Mother Earth. This deeply enriching process brings a greater and more lasting sense of peace.
Owning Your Power with Ease
Learn to recognize and parent the ego with compassion
Recognize when the ego is running wild and gently guide it back in alignment with your higher knowing.
Recognize when you are creating an unhealthy or unrealistic expectation for yourself. You do not have to be perfect and please for god’s sake do not try to imitate others who seem more successful or spiritual than you. Do not try to be anything other than what you are! (It won’t work, anyway!)
“The Ego, however, is not who you really are. The ego is your self-image; it is your social mask; it is the role you are playing. Your social mask thrives on approval. It wants control, and it is sustained by power, because it lives in fear.” - Deepak Chopra
You did not reclaim this power to fuel your ego. Remember the greater purpose and move from a place of love.
Give yourself time and space
It’s okay to not fully understand what is happening or how to move forward immediately. Allow yourself to be in the flow. Let your mind rest. You do not have to act on everything you are thinking, feeling or intuiting and you do not have to act right away. Be the observer. You’ll know what you need to know when you need to know it.
Feel your feelings
Feeling the power of your soul is a sacred experience. It’s only natural that you would feel a lot of emotions as you touch back into this sacred power.
You can relieve feelings of overwhelm by trusting that your higher self has a plan. Ask to receive only what you are ready for and able to integrate smoothly. Take care of your body. Rest. Realize that integrating this power is not too much of a responsibility for you. In fact, it is your natural birthright, and it is yours to have with ease and joy.
Any weight of the responsibility of planetary ascension is being spread out among all of us. It’s not all on you, so give yourself permission to let go of the extra burden you may feel!
If you feel afraid of your power, acknowledge the fear.
Fear of misusing power is real and this fear can be part of a remembrance of other lifetimes when we did misuse our power by getting carried away or operating out of ego.
Remember that we are in a different time period, and you have a lot of resources available to support you in utilizing your power with right intention. Ask your higher self to guide you to use your power for the highest good.
Act with curiosity and joy from a place of gratitude and service.
If you notice that others are jealous of your power, have compassion while maintaining your boundaries. It is in the best interest of everyone to master right use of power.
Allow yourself to grieve the transformation of the old self and to feel any sadness tied to memories of other lifetimes. These lower density emotions can be transmuted rather quickly as you are better able to see from a higher perspective.
If you are grieving the loss of people, a job or other situation in your life, trust that you will learn to reconnect and relate in a way that is more soul-nourishing than before. The more we resist, the more difficult it may seem. So allow a difficult change to be something that is occurring for you, not to you.
Keep the bigger picture in mind
We are reclaiming the power we had from Lemuria, Atlantis, and may even be integrating the powers we had in other lifetimes on other planets. We are healing trauma and clearing karmic imprints. This is all part of the much bigger process of personal and planetary ascension.
You are not alone in this.
Withdraw your power from that which does not serve the highest
A mantra for you: “I no longer contribute to a distorted paradigm!” Sing it with me now!
Replace the word “distorted” with “backwards,” “unhealthy,” “dysfunctional” or any other word that helps you feel empowered.
Reclaiming our power is vital for these times. If we are to return Home and be examples for others, we owe it to ourselves and others to master our energy.
Once you start this process, you may notice other areas of your life where you are leaking power like a leaky faucet or hose! Give yourself some leeway and compassion… and get out your tools and start repairing those leaks!
Trust, surrender, and enjoy!
Mother Nature is cheering you on and will support you greatly. Spend time strengthening your relationship with Her and all of creation.
Enjoy what it feels like to finally let more power occupy your body, mind and spirit! You are whole!
You are powerful. Never forget it.
Multidimensional Integration & Starseed Support
As Mother Earth ascends, we are undergoing a massive planetary and vibrational shift. The frequency of the planet is rising, and our frequency is rising along with Her. Many of us who thought we were pretty far along on our spiritual journey are finding that we have only just begun. New doorways are opening and understandings unfolding.
One such understanding is that of multidimensionality. Through various experiences such as light language activation, contact with non-physical guides, astral travel and more, we come to know that we are not one spirit existing in one physical body. Rather, we are a much larger spirit existing in multiple realities across time. Our soul exists on many planes and in many dimensions.
“We are not one spirit existing in one physical body. Rather, we are a much larger spirit existing in multiple realities across time.”
— Angelica Solii
What does this mean for us?
It means far more than I can possibly describe here. However, in short, in means that we will need support as we undergo these shifts.
Integrating higher frequencies and upgrades in consciousness is no joke. The shifts are often accompanied by life changes such as switching jobs, moving, re-defining relationships and more. As more dormant DNA activates, it also creates major change in the human body and psyche.
At some point in this process, we become aware that we are multidimensional, and we begin the process of multidimensional integration.
What is multidimensional integration?
Multi-dimensional integration is an upgrade in consciousness that can occur to anyone at any time and it occurs in phases. Some of us may have a more pronounced and profound experience that happen rather quickly, while others may experience shorter integrations over a longer period of time. Most of us experience a combination of both.
When we integrate our multidimensionality, we “touch in” to the parts of ourselves we have forgotten or that have remained out of our periphery for a time. As we raise our vibration, we make way for our higher self to take up more residence in the physical body. The body begins to shed density while the consciousness goes through a similar shedding process via changes in thought patterns. Dormant DNA strands are activated. The higher self begins firing off connections with other aspects of self from other times and timelines, and we begin to make connection with those aspects psychically, integrating them into our consciousness. We remember past and future lifetimes that may have an impact on us now. Past lives may inform the ways in which we are showing up today; we may gain awareness of the thoughts and deeply held beliefs that are lodged in our subconscious or unconscious awareness. The higher self brings these to the surface by acquainting us with information from other lives that will most serve us today. The higher self may also identify any faulty programming we are carrying from our ancestral lines or events in this lifetime. We begin to overcome faulty programming, or limiting beliefs, by re-writing the codes held in the subconscious. This reprogramming affects not only our present, but also our past and future. Our higher self also connects us to future selves, as appropriate, showing us the potentialities of where we may be ten years from now or even several lifetimes from now. Just as the “past lives” are occurring now, so too are our present and future lives in different times and different bodies (or in the non-physical) and different dimensions.
We access other dimensions and aspects of self through altered states of consciousness, which can be reached in a variety of ways such as meditation, hypnotherapy, shamanic journeying and more.
We become more fully integrated in our multidimensional reality by having an awareness of self outside of one personality, body, place, and time. We have a greater sense of what it means to be connected not only to all of humanity but all creatures and beings. We reach a greater understanding of Oneness.
We also gain the ability to communicate with other aspects of self as needed.
This is the process of ascension. Reaching this state of being coincides with realizing christ consciousness within you.
This is the future of humankind.
A multidimensional being who has integrated their multidimensionality is on the path to becoming Human 2.0.
Human 2.0
Human 2.0 is a fully realized multidimensional being who operates at a higher level of consciousness.
At this level, the light body has been activated, and we receive upgrades to our system with new codes, just as a computer system or iPhone continually upgrades. We can upgrade ad infinitum as the soul desires.
Activating, upgrading, downloading, merging, integrating, defragging, reprogramming, and more are the tools and conceptual framework for the advanced energy work humans can now access. These are the tools of Celestial Shamanism™, a healing modality that has been offered to humanity by extraterrestrial consciousness.
Integrating one’s multidimensionality also means acknowledging the existence of Starbeings— sometimes called extraterrestrials— and their integral role in our lives on planet Earth.
Benevolent Starbeings who have agreed to assist humankind are sending us energy and technology to help us ascend. Some of those beings have chosen to come to Earth in human form, and they are called Starseeds.
Starseed Activation & Integration
There are many lightworkers who know they are Starseeds. Perhaps they have had multidimensional experiences, remembering another life on another planet and/or they identify with the traits of certain extraterrestrial groups such as the Pleiadians, Arcturians, Sirians or others. Starseeds carry codes that help raise the vibration of our planet, and starseeds have a deep calling to help humankind ascend. Awakening starseeds often have a deep sense of purpose but do not know how to activate this purpose or move forward on their mission.
Awakening starseeds need activations, upgrades, education and more if they are to fully step into and fulfill their mission.
A starseed will have a unique experience of multidimensional integration and may require special support. If you are a starseed experiencing symptoms of ascension and integration and are in need of support, reach out to me or check out my online courses, which especially address the needs of starseeds.
If you believe you are experiencing multidimensional integration and would like assistance, I offer guidance and light language activations that support your system. You can think of me and the beings I work with as I.T., or rather ET, tech support.
It is my duty and honor to be of service.